Now a day’s many people are unaware about excessive sweating condition, and its occurrence. Those who are suffering from this bodily symptom are completely unaware of causes of excessive sweating, and always took them as natural bodily cause and never find its solution. Actually excessive sweating is also known as hyperhidrosis medically and there are thousands of reasons of its causes which vary person to person. As we generally analyses that excessive sweating occurs due to anxiety and social tension but its found that after doing research that a person can sweat heavily even in a very normal relaxative state of mind. Therefore if you want to combat with the causes of excessive sweating then needs to be dealt under proper guidance and diagnosis.

Medically there are two types of nervous system functioning found in human body. These two functioning are voluntary and involuntary. If your these two functioning disturbed by any reason then can lead to over sweat. Even in certain cases found that over reaction of parasympathetic nervous system leads to excessive sweating than average occurrence. Experts say that person's hyperthyroid problem may be taken as the causes of excessive sweating. But then also experts on hyperhidrosis never come up with open mouths regarding the reasons behind its causes till now.

Some experts consider hyperhidrosis as a disease, and classified it in two categories such as general hyperhidrosis, and focal hyperhidrosis. If excessive sweating is occurring on the face, trunk, and on the upper portion of the body as generally found in elderly people, then its a first state of cause. Whereas in focal hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating occurs on the specific body parts such as palm, feet, armpit, and auxiliary. Several other reasons are there such as heredity, puberty and menopause, and abnormal functions of the nerves, and so on that leads to excessive sweating. Besides bodily conditions, other habitual reasons of causes of excessive sweating are obesity, improper or unhealthy diet, chain smoking, heavy & regular intake of alcohol, high intake of caffeine, consuming piping hot drinks, extreme nervousness and much more. Thus, you can imagine that there can be occurrence of excessive sweating. If you come to know any of these causes which are indicating to your excessive sweating then must seek medical diagnosis.